"I was involved in the initial scientific research to develop the quantitative performance-based benchmarks which sets EarthCheck apart from all other sustainable tourism certification programs," explains Melinda Watt.
"I enjoy working with our team of bright young professionals and our diverse clients, whom we work with to help assess their operational performance and their progress, year-on-year. Witnessing their tangible improvements in sustainability over the past 20 years has been very rewarding."
When asked how EarthCheck sees the development of women in leadership roles, Melinda replies: "Climate change and sustainability affect everyone, though not equally. EarthCheck continues to champion women in leadership roles to reflect these specific impacts on women, but also to recognise their critical role in responding to the sustainability and climate change crisis".
EarthCheck understands that unless everyone is given equal opportunity to participate in decision-making processes, the inequalities faced by women are compounded. Which prevents them from fully contributing to planning, policy making and implementation conversations, when in fact, women at community, political and global levels are leaders in sustainability practices and key influencers in effecting change and improvements. We will not achieve the climate and sustainability action needed globally without integrating more women into positions of power.
"This is why I have spent my career as a scientist ensuring that women have a seat at the table, and a voice in the room. Once upon a time our voices were few, but that’s no longer the case, and I hope the invaluable contributions of my esteemed female colleagues locally, and globally, continue to be celebrated and championed as we all work towards our common goal."
"I have a passion for data and data analytics and was excited to join EarthCheck to see what improvement we could contribute towards the role that performance-based metrics could play in sustainable tourism."
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